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Price & Order

Full-Function 30-day Free Evaluation

You can evaluate all the features and functions of IntelliComplete for 30 days free of charge. After 30 days, IntelliComplete will be disabled. If you want to keep IntelliComplete after that, you need become a registered user.

Price and Order

The registration fee is only $49.95. You can place the order via Paypal. Please NOTE that you do not have to register a paypal account to place the order. You can simply pay with your credit card as a Paypal guest. Compared with the number of hours and days IntelliComplete is going to save for you, the tremendous productivity boost IntelliComplete will bring to you, this small investment is well worthwhile. Pursuaded? Get it now!

People with disablility or limited income (family total income per month<$1000) are welcome to contact us for discounts.

Upgrading from an earlier version

If you ordered IntelliComplete more than one full year ago, you need purchase an upgrading license to get the new version. The upgrading fee is only $24.95. Please use one of the following links to order an upgrading license,

Upgrade License

We will deliver you a new serial number as soon as we receive your order for upgrading license.



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