Prompt Box

See Also
Options->Prompt Style

Words, phrases and shorthands are displayed in the prompt box. You can select any entry in the prompt box by hotkey or mouse to complete that entry.

Popup Menu

Right click on the prompt box and you will see a popup menu. The menu items are explained below,

Delete Entry: Delete the selected entry from the word libraries.

Dock Prompt Box: Toggle the prompt box between floating mode and last docked mode. It has the same function as the 'D' button among the array of small buttons

Dock Edge: Dock the prompt box at any side of the screen or have it floating

Horizontal: Set the prompt box in horizontal orientation

Vertical: Set the prompt box in vertical orientation

Fixed Position: When the prompt box is in floating mode and this option is on, the prompt box will be located on a fixed position on the screen. However, you can relocate the prompt box with mouse dragging. This option has no effect when the prompt box is in docked mode.

Caret-Following: When the prompt box is in floating mode and this option is on, the prompt box will be located near where the caret is blinking. This option has no effect when the prompt box is in docked mode.

Show Small Buttons: Toggle visibility of the small buttons on the prompt box

Auto Hide: Toggle the auto-hide mode of the prompt box. When autohide mode is on, the prompt box will be hidden when there is no matching entries. This option has no effect when the prompt box is in docked mode. In docked mode, the prompt box will be always visible

Auto Size: Toggle the auto-size mode of the prompt box. When autosize mode is on, the prompt box will be automatically sized according to the length of the matching entries. This option has no effect when the prompt box is in docked mode.

Custom Style...: Open the "Style" page of the options dialog.

Small Buttons

When the prompt box is in vertical orientation, the small buttons are displayed on the top. When it's in horizontal orientation, they are displayed on the right. The functions of the small buttons are explained below:

The first two buttons: turn one page backward or forward.
'?' button: view help on prompt style configuration
'H' button: hide the small buttons. You have to go to the 'Style' page of the options dialog to restore those buttons. 
'D' button: toggle prompt box between floating mode and last docked mode. There is a hotkey to access this function. Check hotkey definition dialog.
'X' button: close the prompt box temporarily. When you start typing again, the prompt box will be shown. To disable the prompt box permanently, you need to disable auto-prompting. 

Useful tips

When the prompt box is in floating mode, you can use mouse to drag & move the prompt box.
Double-clicking an entry with mouse will complete that entry. (However, you are recommended to use hotkey for autocompletion).
If you use autocompletion only occasionally, dock the prompt box at the bottom to reduce distraction.
If you use autocompletion frequently, set the prompt box in floating mode and turn on the options: Caret-Following, Auto Hide and Auto Size. This will restore the prompt box to the classic prompting mode.
Use hotkey to toggle the prompt box between floating mode and last docked mode when you switch between the above two cases.