
Learning Words

Auto Learn Word

This option enables IntelliComplete to learn new words automatically while typing.  

Remember a word permanently when it has been used for ... times

When a new word has been used for the specified number of times, it will be stored into the user library and remembered permanently. The frequency count of the word will increase when the user manually types the word or has it auto-completed. The default value is 3. 

Only learn word containing at least ... characters

IntelliComplete will not learn words shorter than the specified length.

Learning Phrases

Auto Learn Phrase

This option enables IntelliComplete to automatically learn new phrases while typing. Phrases are defined as the combination of several words separated by word concatenators such as space, '&' and '-'. This option is off by default. When this option is turned on, IntelliComplete may learn some incorrect phrases due to typing mistakes, or some useless phrases like 'for it'. A good alternative way is to add new phrases manually using the Quick-Add Dialog.

Remember a phrase permanently when it has been used for ... times

When a new phrase has been used for the specified number of times, it will be stored into the user library and remembered permanently. The frequency count of the phrase will increase when the user manually types the word or has it auto-completed. The default value is 3. Choose a higher value if you don't want the user library to expand too fast.

Only learn phrase containing at least ... characters

IntelliComplete will not learn phrases shorter than the specified length.

Only learn phrase containing no more than ... words

IntelliComplete will only learn phrases containing no more than the specified number of words. If you use a high value when importing phrases from text documents, it will take a much longer time. It's better to keep this value no higher than 4. 

Don't learn phrases beginning or ending with article 'THE'

Same as title.

Don't learn phrases beginning or ending with article 'A'

Same as title.


Don't learn words or phrases containing only numbers and spaces

Same as title.