Options--Application Filters

In this option page, you can define the set of applications that IntelliComplete will or will not work with.

Inclusions and Exclusions

These inclusions and exclusions are relatively advanced options which are used to designate only a specific set of applications for which the word prompt will be displayed. If all these edit boxes are left blank, the prompting function will be valid for all the windows in the system.

<Exe File Names Included> and <Exe File Names Excluded> qualify this set by the name of the process, which is the same as the name of the executable file. For example, inputting "winword" in <Exe File Names excluded> will disable IntelliComplete in Microsoft Word. Please don't add the extension ".exe" to the exe file name. 
<Exe File Paths Included> and <Exe File Paths Excluded> qualify this set by the path of the executable file. For example, inputting "d:\user\utl" in <Exe File Paths Excluded> will disable IntelliComplete for any applications under that directory and its subdirectory. 
<Window Titles Excluded> and <Window Titles Included> qualify this set by the window title. A window is matched if its title contains the string specified in the edit boxes. For example, if the user specifies, 'internet, paint' in the <Window Titles Excluded> edit box and 'debug, asm' in the <Window Titles Included> edit box, then all windows whose title contains 'internet' or 'paint', but doesn't contain 'debug' and 'asm' are matched.

If all the three inclusion boxes are left blank, then all windows are included except those excluded by the exclusion boxes. Otherwise only those windows included by one of the inclusion boxes (blank boxes omitted) but not excluded by any of the exclusion boxes are valid. Generally you need only fill in the <excluded> portion to filter out some windows or applications that you don't want IntelliComplete to work with at any time. 

Enable prompt in all applications in which the caret can't be detected

By default, If the caret can't be detected in a window, IntelliComplete will conclude that window not to be an editor. So IntelliComplete will be automatically disabled for that window. But some word processors own their private caret resource and there is no way for IntelliComplete to detect the caret position. For simplicity, let's call these applications Caret-Fail Applications. Turning on this option will force enabling IntelliComplete in all caret-fail applications. 

Enable only in these processes

When the option to force enabling IntelliComplete in all caret-fail applications is turned off, you can use this field to force enabling IntelliComplete only in applications matching the specified patterns. In this field, you can fill in one or more strings separated by semicolons. For example, you may specify "appname1;appname2" to force enabling IntelliComplete in processes appname1.exe or appname2.exe. 

No Prompt in IE 

By default IntelliComplete is disabled in Internet Explorer since IE has built-in auto-completion. You may turn it on when composing long letters in IE.

No Prompt in Windows Explorer

By default IntelliComplete is disabled in Windows Explorer since it has built-in auto-completion. It's recommended that you leave this option off since it affects system stability to hook a system process. 

No Prompt in Single Line Edit Box

Turning on this option will disable IntelliComplete in single line edit boxes. Turn on this option if you feel the prompt box covers other controls undesirably in a dialog when you are typing text in single line edit boxes.

No Prompt In Dialogs

Disable IntelliComplete in dialog windows. Windows with class name containing "#32770" are considered as dialogs.